La fiction est temporairement désactivée après demande explicite de Kkat, je cite : « I imagine how badly the translation suffers, and how many times the translators have allowed their hateful perceptions to color their translations, damaging the story. People with such nasty attitudes are incapable of translating a story without altering its content to suit their bias. That isn't a translation, it is a mangling. And that is not acceptable.
I have given permission for others to translate the story, but I request that the existing translation be removed from your site immediately. »
Les mauvais points de cette traduction sont, d'après elle, je cite : «
1) The synopsis itself
2) Linking an anti-story rant within the synopsis
3) The disrespectful nature and content of the rant
4) Discriminatory comments within the comments section. »
Je vous laisse juger par vous même ~
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Bien joué pour la traduction !
Et quand je dis des dizaines d'heures de réflexion je minimise.